Year end show



The inception of a design education is a sacred moment when students develop design thinking and software skills they will utilize for their entire lives. 

Traditionally, the D&DM Year End Show is an in-person, faculty-curated event that showcases our student’s best design work of the Spring and Fall semesters. It will be in a virtual format again this year with the addition of guest speakers and course demonstrations. 

All Los Rios students, friends, family, and alumni are invited to join us on Monday, May 17th for a Virtual Year End Show. 

This past school year has been a struggle for everyone and out of that struggle came opportunity. The faculty in our program have found new and effective ways to reach students that will affect our teaching for the fureseeable future. The students have learned about how they learn and most have build skills that we call “self sufficiency”. We’ve all been more innovative, more creative, and more of who we truly are.

Who would known that a pandemic would bring any good at all!?

The premise behind our theme this year, addresses the good that was brought about by the bad. Lemons make lemonade in the Design & Digital Media Department. While we are not seeing each other and connecting the same as we once had, we have no commute time, no one cares what we’re wearing on the bottom half of our bodies, and we are recording everything with the technology available to us — in an effort to be more accessible, to learn easier, and to teach more effectively.

Many thanks to the Year End Show design team: Allen Close, Shaylee Gracey, Jake Cooper, Hana Choi, and Megan Fong for burning the midnight oil and making this happen with grace and beauty!  


DDSN 391

Flagship Design Studio

We believe in empowering our students for any opportunities. To that end, this website was designed and produced by the students in our Design Studio. Flagship Design Studio offers students a real-world experience with real clients and real teams of designers. Students interview clients, write contracts, pitch ideas, brainstorm in a team, design work, and invoice clients. Students who take this class learn new skills in software, design thinking, client relations, and how to get along in a team environment under a creative director. If you are interested in being a client at our studio, please contact Robyn Waxman at waxmanr(at) If you are interested in getting your your first job as a designer, sign up for DDSN 391. Every student has a job title and experiences a real studio in a nurturing environment.