An Introduction to Visual Content for Social Media (DDSN 370)
This course introduces students to visual content creation for social media using specialized mobile apps on smart phones and tablets. Students will learn to create photos and illustrations, edit static and motion graphics, and produce and publish marketing content for websites, social networking sites, and other online media. Basic visual concepts are introduced and utilized to create professional imagery, design projects, and visual storytelling using mobile device techniques and tools.
Fresh New Work
The Client Story By Brittany Haertel
Know How Can Help
Client Promo By Hillary Gaines
Visual Artist Intro
Intro Movie By EMilio Mils
Top Chef Breakfast
How To Video By Emil Ramos
Late Night Drawing Sessions
Three Picture Story Layout By EMilio Mils
Client Brand Board
Client Brand Board By Brittany Haertel
Five Tips to Help You Start Living Your Best Life
How To Video By Alfonso Estes
Strawberry with Bubbles
Your Camera Eye-- Seeing your world By Melissa Sanchez
Image with animation
To add animation to a photograph. By Melissa Robinson
Flatlay Photography for Quarter Miles Mine
Create a flatlay image representing a client. By Emily Converse
Branding– Brand Board
Create a flatlay image representing a client. By Christine Tyler
Meet Danielle from Abracadab Photography
A video about a client-- who they are and what they do. By Christine Tyler
Abracadab Flatlay
Product Photography-- Flatlay By Christine Tyler
Chocolate Candy
Layout with photo and video combo. By Amy Solov